His mother spent hours every day playing gospel tunes on the family's upright piano encouraging Jimmie to start piano and guitar lessons at the age of six. Jimmie's home continued to be filled with music whenever cousin Ronnie Van Zant used his living room as a rehearsal space for the band that eventually became Lynyrd Skynyrd. The tragedy of Ronnie's death in 1977 inspired Jimmie to focus on his own music career to honor the life and legacy of his cousin.
Jimmie formed his own group, signed with a record label and recorded his first album. Southern Comfort included the single "Ronnie's Song" co-written by Jimmie as a tribute to his beloved cousin. He still plays this number as requested at his live shows. With conviction Jimmie has shared: "I have always believed that music can change peoples' lives and if I can do something to make someone's life a little more enjoyable, then I feel I have done my job well. That is why I am here and that is also the reason why there is Southern Rock." With a microphone in hand and his family in his heart, Jimmie honors his 'Freebyrd' family legacy with the music that is rooted in his soul in every song he sings.
Jimmie sat down with STARCHAT to share his thoughts on music today, Jimmie today, trends today...and the forever greatness of Southern Rock.
Jimmie, so, what do you think of young men wearing their pants around their hips - or worse - and walking around with their boxers sticking out? Not exactly country, eh?
I'm not sure with the pulling up the pants with our new generation of males, obviously it's a trend or a so called fashion statement, as a man, I find it ridiculous and disgraceful to our culture. I think it's disrespectful to the female gender and others including their Mother's, how-ever it may boost sales for the under wear companies, Haines, Fruit of the Loom, etc...all I can say is, Pull Your Pants Up, Boy.
When I do find time to relax and need to listen to music, it can vary depending on the mood I'm in at the time, I will say, I do not listen to Opera,Rap or Heavy Metal, Retro, believe it are not, I find spiritual soft tone instrumentals to be very relaxing.
Jimmie...are you a wild child? Any milestones to share?
I think we all have just a little wild side that want's to cut loose, I consider myself a conservative wild child. My personal triumphs; Every-time I accomplish something is my triumph! I have so many milestones that I have passed and stepped over and have survived through Faith and the will of our Lord. Every show or performance has a memory to me in some way, when I'm performing and look into the crowd and see smiles and joy, tears dipping from eye's, hand claps, chanting and dancing around, I find that massive and worth every single moment to me.
You had been through so much, and built an amazing career in a brutal industry. Any advice for those looking to share their talents in music today?
The most important thing is to remember who you are as a person, Don't expect Fame and fortune because you may look good and can sing are play an instrument, never count on making any money unless you have something that nobody else has and just hope you get lucky.
Jimmie, coffee or tea?
Coffee in the morning , tea in the afternoon, a cocktail in the evening...then play music all night long.
What sounds like a perfect dinner to you?
A nice steak and baked potato, salad and some fruit to boot.
What is one of your favorite holiday songs?
During Christmas...Silent Night.
Jimmie, how do you define Southern Rock?
Southern Rock is just a sound formed by Gospel , rhythm , blues, soul , truth , and hope ,with a little edge to it : labeled by the record industry - sounds from the South.
You are one of the most famous Southern boys around...is that awesome?
I don't find being a southern boy awesome but, thank you for the compliment. I find that We all are raised with different value's so to speak, We're taught from our Parents in the beginning, their truly the ones responsible for our outcome no matter what. Most individuals from the south were raised with very little (poor) . We were taught to respect and appreciate everything we have and don't worry about who's got more then you...If You Want More You Must Work Harder to get it.

It would be nice to think that in 100 years that someone would be listening to one or more of my songs. I would like to be, just remembered as an average man that always tried to help other's and make a difference...not a burden but, a plus.
Jimmie, it's just us...would you ever eat a pink cupcake in public?
Pink cup cakes are my favorite.
Words of wisdom?
The drive to try and accomplish something everyday that will make a difference tomorrow .

I was blessed to meet someone that could not see or hear, but felt energy and vibrations from music. At that moment I knew there was a reason that I was blessed to do this at any level.
Special thanks to Jimmie Van Zant for his time, thoughts and his beautiful sharing. Stay wild, you massively talented, warm and open Southern Rock man. And may you have many pink cupcakes! Visit Jimmie on FACEBOOK!